OpenViX is a community based Opensource project focused on developing user friendly, easy to use Linux Enigma 2 set top box software. OpenViX is created by enthusiasts for enthusiasts.
OpenViX team was formed around July 2010 and originally known as the ViX Team. The Team formed by a small group of enthusiasts based on an idea by AndyBlac to create a user friendly Enigma 2 image for the VU+ Duo. AndyBlac coded the ViX core Enigma 2 that is widely used today.
At the time of forming none of team ever perceived how big or popular the ViX image would become. The original ViX name was the initials of VU+ Image Extreme.
As time went on the team started development for other brands, the 2nd brand to be supported was Xtrend, at that point the ViX name changed to Virtuosso Image Xtreme. Today the team is simply referred to as the ViX Team or OpenViX.
September 2010 the very 1st VU+ Duo ViX image was released based on VU’s Official Open embedded core, to date the team now supports many brands and over fifty different Broadcom powered Linux Enigma receivers and now uses OE-Alliance open embedded core. OpenViX is a founding member of OE-Alliance.
Official support Forum is